How To Make A Cardboard Castle

 Things Needed:

  1. 3 Boxes (one should be a little short but big in length from all sides, two same but smaller in length, three little taller than the others but smaller in length)-refer to result picture if in doubt-
  2. 11 tissue rolls
  3. Hot Glue
  4. Scissor 
  5. Paint
  6. Decorations
Follow the steps

1. Paint the boxes in the colour you want the castle walls.

2.  Keep the biggest box down then paste the middle size one on the center of it and paste the small one on the center of the middle size one(refer to picture if confused).

3. Colour the tissue rolls in a colour you like and paste as shown in the picture.

4. Draw doors, windows and do more decorations if you like.

Your Castle is ready
