How To Make A Fidget Spinner

  Things Needed:

  1. A Piece Of Cardboard
  2. Buttons or anything circular with light weight(Number is based on how many ends you spinner has)
  3. A Toothpick
  4. Colour Paper
  5. Scissor
  6. Glue
  7. Decorations
Follow the steps

1. Draw 2 of your spinner designs on the colour paper and cut it.

2.  Paste 1 on the cardboard and cut it according to the shape of the paper the paste the other paper on the other side.

3. Use the toothpick to make a hole (big enough so that the toothpick is loose) in the middle of the spinner then keep the toothpick in it.

4. Cut 2 circles from the cardboard, put a hole in their center points (not too big), put the circles 1 on each side of the toothpick and push them towards the spinner(keep a little gap between the circles and the spinner) then glue it on to the toothpick and let it dry.

5. Paste the buttons or other circle items on the fidget spinner, 1 on each end(to make it look nice paste all of them on one, either up or down).

6. Cut the excess piece of the toothpick on both sides the decorate it

Your Fidget Spinner is ready
